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Song Master Pro 2.7 and Song Master 4.7 Update

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This update adds several additions, improvements, tweaks, and fixes.

A few of the improvements:

  • Improved the chord pasting algorithm to better handle bars of varying length.

  • Added mixer controls for Song, Metronome, and Keyboard.

  • Controller, Notes, and Lyric tracks have a new item on their context-menu that let's you easily insert a copy of an existing marker. This is particularly useful when using the Controller track to send preset changes to an external effects processors.

  • Added a sub-menu on the Chord Track to change the Chord name to an existing Chord marker.

  • Added new commands to the File menu to open the location of the song and audio file for the current song, and to replace the current audio file.

  • Added an option to display the lyric text using the same color as the marker in the Karaoke and Song Info panel. Coloring lyric text is useful, for instance, in a duet to notate the male and female parts.

  • When attempting to find lyrics for a song, the album name and duration are now optional (though highly recommended to ensure the correct lyrics are downloaded).

  • The generated chord audio can now be included when exporting audio (PRO) if Chords | Auto play chords is enabled.

  • Added an option to Settings to automatically have the pitch of the song adjusted when it differs from A440. When enabled, this has the same effect as pushing the AUTO-PITCH button. If you do not want this on by default, disable it in Settings. Spacebar action (play from current position or play from last position) is now saved GLOBALLY (i.e. not with the song).

For a complete list of updates, you can view the release notes here.