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New Features in Version 1.2

· 2 min read

New: Phrase Trainer simplifies learning to play a section by slowing the song down and gradually increasing the tempo. You specify the starting and ending tempos and the amount to increase the tempo after each play.

Phase Trainer

New: Key Trainer will rotate a song section through a series of key changes. Great for improving your ability to transpose and solo over changing key centers.


Aurally Sound Releases "Song Master" App for Windows and macOS

· 2 min read

2 November, 2020

Aurally Sound has released Song Master, an app that makes learning and practicing your favorite songs simpler and more efficient.

Song Master analyzes any recorded song and provides a hierarchical breakdown of the song. The song is partitioned into relatable sections (i.e. intro, verse, chorus), harmonic analysis produces the chord progression, and finally the bars and beats are identified. You can easily modify the results to suit your needs.